sejarah singkatsmkn jateng
di purbalingga

SMKN Jateng di Purbalingga dahulunya bernama SMKN 3 Purbalingga yang mana berdiri pada Tahun 2013 atas gagasan dari para Pejabat Pemkab. Purbalingga yang mana dimotori oleh Bapak Heru Sudjatmoko selaku Bupati Purbalingga pada saat itu. 


Dengan berpindah kewenangan SMK ke Pemerintah Provinsi, maka SMKN berganti nama menjadi SMKN Jateng di Purbalingga. 

Awards Won
Projects Done
Happy Clients
Greatest Shots

Where magic is happening My Studio

This is the place, where I can work with lights and shadows to create something brilliant. I’m talking about my photo studio that is located at 1250 Welton St, Denver. Here we can discuss and create your photo portfolio in comfortable and professional atmosphere.

How does this happen Processing

Here I like to show you photo processing. Sometimes you can not see result without direct comparison. So I’ll show you direct compare photo before and after processing, where I made retouching photo, removed background noise and improve color brightness.

How does this happen Photo Processing